Freitag, 20. Januar 2012

Aus Bett mach Schuhregal

Eine Freundin hat mir das Holz ihres alten Bettes zum weiterverwerten überlassen. Habe für 4€ noch eine Platte im Baumarkt gekauft und y-ka-ko, fertig ist das Schuhregal. Links der Schlüsselhalter.

Samstag, 7. Januar 2012

toni reads

indeed. during those 'long winter evenings' you can find some time to read and watch romantic movies...
so here's a collection of movies and books i recently read and liked. also some new music found its place into this list.
there will be floorball in berlin:

plus: after months of talking i finished building a 'second floor' in my room:

and finally a link to some heart-warming xkcd comic: link

quite interesting and thought-provoking is this movie starring jennifer
tilly: Relax, it's just Sex!

Freitag, 6. Januar 2012

Der gute Vorsatz